Today after a morning webcam session with Ong Ba Ngoai, we headed out to the nearby beach. It was a gorgeous day out there and we rented one of the little bamboo shelters and ordered some fresh grilled squid and crab for lunch. While we ate, little beach crabs darted in and out of their holes around Scuppy's sand play area. The water was cool and the wind waves were almost just barely big enough to actually push a styrofoam board.

Good little knee-high mush. The squid was fantastic and we enjoyed a whole range of kids selling snacks and sodas passing by. Two girls stopped and chatted and told us they are working the beach during the summer before they go back to school in August. Their English was quite good, probably better than most kids who do English language study at college in Vietnam because they actually have an ability to converse with foreigners.
Hue is very close to the beach. From the hotel we got a cab and it took about 20 minutes. Because the fares are so cheap here, you can actually just leave the meter running while you swim for a few hours then take the same cab back.
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